Q&A with Google’s Marissa Mayer in Tel Aviv.

What do you get when you mix an industrial part of town, the energy of a few hundred geeks, a microphone and Google’s VP of Search Products & Experience, Marissa Mayer?

Last night a bunch of the Answers.com crew went to Tel Aviv to find out. The event was run by Garage Geeks and Yossi Vardi, infusing the Israeli start up scene with an underground vibe.

Google’s well-spoken (and well-dressed!) Marissa Mayer and her team of budding product managers joined the crowd of entrepreneurs, engineers and dreamers to answer questions on all things Google. Marissa fielded a range of Q&A, including the future of traditional search, Google’s role in social search and when Israel can expect turn-by-turn driving directions for mobile (hey, why not?).

For more tech events in the Tel Aviv neighborhood, visit GarageGeeks.

2 thoughts on “Q&A with Google’s Marissa Mayer in Tel Aviv.”

  1. hi,my name is henry and from”Ghana in Africa, will wish to get in contact with a trades union organisation for a bilateral co-operation.


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