Woodwose, WikiAnswers Wild Thing.

280px-ADurerWoodwoses1499Wild thing… You make our hearts sing. You make everything (around WikiAnswers) groovy. Wild thing!

Come on. You know who I’m talkin’ about. The wild one of WikiAnswers: Woodwose.

According to this fine WikiAnswers contributor Woodwose (the European version of Sasquatch or yeti) is essentially a wild man of the woods. He seems to dig his name but would have preferred Wordwose as he is wild about proper sentence structure and – when he chooses to spell check carefully – other English usage. But a joke’s no good if you have to explain it every time. So Woodwose it is:

Are you a Floating or Category Supervisor (which categories)?

I’m a Category Supervisor of Pollution, although I’m in the top contributors for Buddhism, Mark Twain and Atheism.

What is your first name?


What is your age?

More than small groups of younger contributors combined. It’s down as 108 on my bio page, and I have a photo from Peru in 1880 that is a good enough likeness of me to identify me in a crowd.

Do you have any pets?

A purebred Fox Terrier who goes by the name of Drafur, as in Hedningarna’s “Drafur och Guilder” from their Hipjokk album. His best trick is “Ignore.”

Where do you live and why do you like the area?

Calgary. A ready supply of bison burgers, open air and a vibrant cultural life makes the City my kind of place.

Where did you grow up?

Ontario, near Detroit. It accounts for my funny almost American accent.

What educational information would you like to share?

I’m a chemical technologist, engineer and consultant and have black belts in Tae Kwon Do and Karate.

What are some of your past and/or present occupations?

Engineer, consultant, martial arts instructor

What is/are your key area(s) of knowledge, interests or expertise?

I follow Miyamoto Musashi’s advice which is to know the skills of every trade. I earn cash through environmental consulting and art.

Do you have any collections or hobbies?

I carve wood and stone, do stained glass, practice bagpipes, collect swords and study languages.

What do you like to do for recreation?

Help young professionals upgrade their resumes and interview skills.

What are a few random facts about yourself?

I have no need for or belief in invisible friends or magic horseshoes. My life experience includes the regular stuff:

• Crawling up the sides of sinking ships
• Working with bomb squads
• Writing government regulations
• Taking evil doers to court
• Teaching
• Dealing with crowds of upset peasants
• Foreign assignments
• Professional speaking,
• Avoiding being shot
• Doing nasty jobs that others avoid

Do you have any special talents you’d like to share?

I can poke my fingers through Coke and beer cans. A skill good for winning bar bets and distracting folks who are being pompous and telling me their versions of the right way to live. A talent much loved by my nieces, nephews and voluntary grandchildren but despised by my wife.

What accomplishments are you proud of?

Art work from the east cost of Canada to Japan

What are your special goals or dreams?

Not a concern. Being in the now is much more important.

How would you describe yourself or personality?

A curmudgeon

What brought you to WikiAnswers?


What keeps you coming back to WikiAnswers?

It’s the largest game of Trivial Pursuit I’ve found!

What is your favorite WikiAnswers activity?

Researching answers orthogonal to my knowledge.

Do you want to be interviewed for the Contributor corner? Just leave a comment below and we’ll get to work.

3 thoughts on “Woodwose, WikiAnswers Wild Thing.”

  1. Um..I would like to feature in nostupidanwers’ contributor corner if it is possible?

    I assume that “Just leave a comment below and we’ll get to work.” meant in this space? 🙂


  2. Better late than never, I’m just now reading this. Nice interview. When will you be posting pictures of your art on your bio page? Wonder what a “how to” video on playing bagpipes would do in the next contest? Probably would be one of a kind ;-D Deb


Your comments are welcome!