How old is your mamma?

On this final WikiAnswers Wednesday of this fine month of February, I’d like to help in the math/family relations  department. In case you were having trouble calculating, I’m supplying you with a legible answer to (what some might think is) the ultimate question:

How old is your mamma?

Here’s how to calculate how old yo mamma is:

1. Take the year you were born
2. Subtract from it the year yo mamma was born
3. Take that number and subtract it from the current year
4. Now subtract your age
5. Take that number and subtract it from the current year
6. You should now have yo mamma’s age.

Logical enough… Check the answer for an example. Then go try it out for yourself. I love how education works.

7 thoughts on “How old is your mamma?”

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  2. A 6-step process when only 2 steps are required–In the original article, subtract from the current year the year in which she was born. That’s it. Oops!…this is an observation already made by Raejean.


  3. Pardon me, did I miss something? Don’t understand why YOUR age figures into the calculation at all.

    Why does anyone need any information other than 1) the current M/D/YR, and 2) the M/D/YR your mamma was born? Subtract 2) from 1) and you have her age.


  4. That will only work, when the month of the mama’s birth occurs before the birth month of the child. To make it come out for any month combinatrion. Question 4, should read something like this, “Subjtract the age you are or will be in this calendar year.” If no one cares but me neither do I. So you can leave it the way it is, if you wish.


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